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The Web Growth Code Podcast

Oct 21, 2020

Show Notes:

Cloris Kylie shares her best influencer marketing strategies and how to get started the right way.  She describes how influencer marketing is perfect for a business that is brand new and walks us through the exact steps to get started.

Cloris talks about how she was able to get onto Entrepreneurs on Fire and how you can use this strategy to connect with influencers.  We also discuss the key mediums of where you should be connecting with influencers.

Show Notes with the Cloris Kylie

- Beyond Influencer Marketing is Cloris Kylie's great book on going beyond just a shoutout.

- I noted Chris Snyder who is a new fly fishing guide.  Influencer marketing is great for someone who does not have a big audience.

- We talk about Creek Stewart who wrote a section in Cloris’ group.

- Addicted 2 Success - Cloris noted how she posted on this site because she new the audience very well and filled a gap in the content for any site.

- Use to find the right influencer to reach out to.

- Cloris shares here example of how she got onto Entrepreneurs on Fire by focusing on Jimmy.  I had John on the podcast here.


- The Expert Kit Challenge - This is for podcasters so I’ll be checking this out.

You can find Cloris at

How to do Influencer Marketing
Know the audience of the blog you reach out to
Use Similar Web to find others
You need a short term and long term objective
Start with B List influencers if you are just starting
Create a mini media real to show value

How to use influencer marketing for podcasters
make sure right show
leave 5 star review
listen to the podcast
find gaps that have been popular with listeners
Created the pitch for the host (see Cloris template)


Resources Noted in the Show

Beyond Influencer Marketing by Cloris

Conclusion with Cloris Kylie

Cloris shares her best tips on doing influencer marketing the right way.  And we aren’t just talking about Instagram here.  Cloris describes the exact steps you need in order to make a splash with influencers.

Be consistent and make this a regular process in your workflow.  Don’t wait but start this process this week and get started.

Show Notes: